- class PySALESetup.creation.PySALEDistributionBase
Base class for distributions.
In PySALESetup it is not uncommon to want to feed specific sizes, or rotations, or radii, to a setup routine. These distribution classes provide this capability. Everything random always comes from a distribution and if it’s not specified, it’s probably a uniform one.
- details()
- frequency(x: float, bounds: Tuple[float, float]) float
Get the frequency from the PDF over a specified interval.
Integrates over the probability density function of the chosen distribution over a specified interval to return an estimated frequency. Limits MUST be provided in the form of bounds, which allows for uneven limits and is always applied as + and - the given value of x.
Returns the probability DENSITY! this must be converted to a useful value outside of the function. :param x: :type x: float :param bounds: :type bounds: Tuple[float, float]
- Returns:
- Return type:
- cdf(x: float)
Base method for calculating the CDF at a specified point.
- Parameters:
x (float)
- random_number()
Base method for getting a random number by the distribution.
- class PySALESetup.creation.PySALEUniformDistribution(limits: Tuple[float, float])
The uniform distribution.
All values are equally likely.
- __init__(limits: Tuple[float, float])
Creates a uniform distribution given a pair of limits.
- Parameters:
limits (Tuple[float, float])
- cdf(x: float) float
CDF for a uniform probability density function.
- Parameters:
x (float)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- random_number()
Generates a random number from the uniform distribution.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class PySALESetup.creation.PySALENormalDistribution(mu: float, sigma: float)
Normal distribution.
- __init__(mu: float, sigma: float)
Constructs a normal distribution given a mean and std.
- Parameters:
mu (float) – mean
sigma (float) – standard deviation
- cdf(x) float
CDF for a normal probability density function.
- Parameters:
x (float)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- random_number() float
Generate a random number from the Normal distribution.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class PySALESetup.creation.PySALELogNormalDistribution(mu: float, sigma: float)
Lognormal distribution.
- __init__(mu: float, sigma: float)
Construct a Lognormal distribution from a mean and std.
- Parameters:
mu (float) – mean
sigma (float) – standard deviation
- cdf(x: float) float
CDF for the log-normal probability density function.
- Parameters:
x (float)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- frequency(x: float, bounds: Tuple[float, float]) float
Frequency of the Lognormal PDF over a given range.
- Parameters:
x (float)
bounds (Tuple[float, float])
- Returns:
- Return type:
- random_number() float
Generate a random number from the Lognormal distribution.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class PySALESetup.creation.PySALEWeibull2Distribution(lambda_: float, k: float)
Weibull 2-parameter distribution.
This distribution is typically used for Particle Size Distributions generated by grinding, milling, and crushing operations.
- __init__(lambda_: float, k: float)
Construct a Weibull 2-parameter distribution.
- Parameters:
lambda (float) – The ‘scale’ of the distribution
k (float) – The ‘shape’ of the distribution.
- cdf(x: float) float
CDF for a Weibull 2-parameter distribution
- Parameters:
x (float)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- random_number() float
Generate a random number from the Weibull2 distribution.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class PySALESetup.creation.PySALECustomDistribution(cdf_function: Callable, random_number_function: Callable)
A user-defined distribution.
- __init__(cdf_function: Callable, random_number_function: Callable)
Construct a user-defined distribution from two functions.
- Parameters:
cdf_function (Callable)
random_number_function (Callable)
- cdf(x: float)
Overwritten by the constructor
- random_number()
Overwritten by the constructor
- details()
- class PySALESetup.creation.PySALEDomain(domain_object: PySALEObject)
Domain class providing insertion methods and statistics.
Create an instance from an existing PySALEObject and then use the class to insert objects in more complex ways than available on the standard object class. In particular optimise_materials is available as a way to distribute materials in a host object such that as few objects of the same material are in contact as possible.
>>> from PySALESetup import PySALEObject, PySALEDomain >>> main = PySALEObject([(0, 0), (0, 30), (30, 30), (30, 0)]) >>> main.set_material(0) >>> domain = PySALEDomain(main) >>> circle = PySALEObject.generate_ellipse([0., 0.], 1, 1, 0.) >>> domain.fill_to_threshold_area(circle, 40) >>> domain.optimise_materials() >>> fig, ax = main.plot() >>> ax.set_aspect(1) >>> fig.savefig('PySALEDomain_example.png')
- __init__(domain_object: PySALEObject)
- Parameters:
- fill_with_random_grains_to_threshold(grain_object: PySALEObject, threshold_fill_percent: float, rotation_distribution: PySALEDistributionBase = None, size_distribution: PySALEDistributionBase = None, max_retries: int = 10) float
Fill host object to threshold fill percent.
- Parameters:
grain_object (PySALEObject) – The filler object
threshold_fill_percent (float)
rotation_distribution (PySALEDistributionBase) – The distribution for the rotation angles.
size_distribution (PySALEDistributionBase) – The distribution for the grain sizes.
max_retries (int) – If a grain fails to be placed how many retries with new grains before giving up? Does not reset between grains.
- Returns:
Inserted area
- Return type:
- static randomly_rotate_object(duplicated_grain_object: PySALEObject, rotation_distribution: PySALEDistributionBase = None) PySALEObject
Rotate the supplied object by a random amount.
- Parameters:
duplicated_grain_object (PySALEObject)
rotation_distribution (PySALEDistributionBase)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- static randomly_resize_object(grain_object: PySALEObject, size_distribution: PySALEDistributionBase = None, area: bool = False) PySALEObject
Resize the supplied object by a random amount.
The supplied distribution should return either areas or radii. Areas and radii are taken to be “equivalent” radii. I.e. the radius of the equivalent circle to the polygon with the same area.
- Parameters:
grain_object (PySALEObject)
size_distribution (PySALEDistributionBase)
area (bool) – True if the distribution is returning an area, False if its an equivalent radius.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- insert_randomly(grain_object: PySALEObject, max_attempts: int = 100) bool
Insert object into the host at random locations until it fits
“fits” means - “is not intersecting with any other objects.”
- Parameters:
grain_object (PySALEObject)
max_attempts (int) – The number of attempts the algorithm will make before giving up
- Returns:
- Return type:
- optimise_materials(allowed_materials: List[int] = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) None
Redistribute material numbers to not be in contact.
This function has the greatest success and is based on that used in JP Borg’s work with CTH.
Function to assign material numbers to each particle This function tries to optimise the assignments such that as few particles of the same material are in contact as possible. It works by creating a list of the Mth closest polygons, where “M” is the number of different materials being used.
Then they are sorted into the order closest -> furthest.
If the list contains all the same elements, as the allowed materials then there are necessarily no repeats and all material numbers are used up. So, => use the number of the particle furthest away.
If there is at least one repeat, then at least one material number has not been used. Select the first remaining material number that is unused and assign that.
Continue until all the particles are assigned.
- Parameters:
allowed_materials (List[int]) – defaults to all materials except for void.
- Return type:
- PySALESetup.functions.get_figure_from_ax(ax: Axes | None = None) Tuple[Axes, Figure]
Get the matplotlib figure from an Axes or create some if None.
- Parameters:
ax (plt.Axes)
- Returns:
(ax, fig)
- Return type:
Tuple[plt.Axes, plt.figure]
- class PySALESetup.mesh.CellCoords(i: int, j: int)
Cell coordinates in absolute indices
- i: int
- j: int
- class PySALESetup.mesh.Region(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
- NORTH = 1
- SOUTH = 2
- EAST = 3
- WEST = 4
- class PySALESetup.mesh.ExtensionZoneFactor(multiplier: float | int, max_cell_size: float)
Immutable dataclass recording how the extension zone scales.
- multiplier: float | int
- max_cell_size: float
- class PySALESetup.mesh.ExtensionZone(depth: int, region: Region, cell_size: float, factor: ExtensionZoneFactor = None)
iSALE Extension zone object.
Extension zones can be bolted onto the main mesh (aka the high resolution zone). These can only have one material, a fixed velocity and a specific depth. Up to four can be added at a time and the order they appear in the PySALEMesh object is the order they will be applied.
North | | West----MESH----East | | South
- property length: float
Physical length of the zone.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- calculate_zone_length() float
Calculate physical length of the zone.
- Return type:
- class PySALESetup.mesh.Cell(point: Point, i: int, j: int, material: int = None, velocity: Velocity = Velocity(x=0.0, y=0.0))
PySALEMesh cell dataclass object.
Contains cell information including the physical centroid of a cell as a shapely.geometry.Point object; the indices of the cell in the mesh as integers; the material in the cell as an integer; the velocity of the cell as a pss Velocity object.
- point: Point
- i: int
- j: int
- material: int = None
- class PySALESetup.mesh.PySALEMesh(x_cells: int, y_cells: int, cell_size: float = 2e-06, extension_zones: List[ExtensionZone] = None, cylindrical_symmetry: bool = False, collision_index: int = None, origin: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0))
Mesh object of discrete cells which polygons can be projected on.
Once creating a polygon (or polygons) to represent your simulation it must then be projected onto/applied to this mesh object in order to save the resulting mesh to an iSALE input file.
Here we create a void polygon that is 10 m x 15 m and populate it to 40% area fraction with circles of radius 1 m. Then we optimise the material distribution and apply the polygon to a mesh object. Then we can save the file.
>>> from PySALESetup import PySALEObject, PySALEDomain, PySALEMesh >>> main = PySALEObject([(0, 0), (0, 15), (10, 15), (10, 0)]) >>> main.set_material(0) >>> domain = PySALEDomain(main) >>> circle = PySALEObject.generate_ellipse([0., 0.], 1, 1, 0.) >>> domain.fill_with_random_grains_to_threshold(circle, 40) >>> domain.optimise_materials() >>> mesh = PySALEMesh(100, 150, cell_size=.1) >>> mesh.project_polygons_onto_mesh([main]) >>>
- __init__(x_cells: int, y_cells: int, cell_size: float = 2e-06, extension_zones: List[ExtensionZone] = None, cylindrical_symmetry: bool = False, collision_index: int = None, origin: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0))
Discrete rectangular mesh construction.
- Parameters:
x_cells (int)
y_cells (int)
cell_size (float)
extension_zones (Optional[List[ExtensionZone]])
cylindrical_symmetry (bool)
collision_index (int)
origin (Tuple[float, float] - The origin for the) – coordinate system. AKA coordinate of the bottom-left point of mesh.
- spawn_copy(scale_factor: float = 1.0)
- property origin: Tuple[float, float]
The origin coordinate of the mesh.
All dimensions are relative to this coordinate. Defaults to (0, 0). This coordinate is in the coordinate system of the mesh before the origin is applied. This has the 0, 0 at the bottom-left corner of the high-resolution zone.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Tuple[int, int]
- classmethod from_dimensions(dimensions: Tuple[float, float], cell_size: float, extensions: List[ExtensionZone] | None = None, origin: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0)) PySALEMesh
Given high-res zone dimensions and cell size, return PySALEMesh.
- Parameters:
dimensions (Tuple[float, float] X - Y Dimensions of the high-res) – region in metres
cell_size (float Dimension of a high-res cell in the mesh)
extensions (List[ExtensionZone] List of all the extension zones) – that should be applied
origin (Tuple[float, float] The coordinate to be considered the) – origin. This coordinate is in the same coordinate system as the default, where the origin is the bottom left of the high-res zone.
- Return type:
PySALEMesh instance.
- property x_physical
The physical x-length of the mesh.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property y_physical
The physical y-length of the mesh.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property objresh: int
iSALE input parameter; half the height of the mesh.
Despite being the “horizontal” object resolution this refers to the height of the mesh. This is because there IS an OBJRESV but you only need to use it if your object does not cover the full width of the mesh. If no OBJRESV is present, its value defaults to OBJRESH. When using PySALESetup-created input files we never want anything less than the full width of the mesh so it is simpler to leave it out and use OBJRESH instead. In PySALESetup you can easily create objects of any size or shape you want!
If the number of cells is not divisible by 2, this property will guarantee that the returned value is rounded up, rather than down.
E.g. a mesh width of 100 would return a value of 50. A mesh width of 99 would also return a value of 50. 98 would return a value of 49, and so on.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property vertical_offset: int
Half the vertical depth of the mesh, rounded down, in cells.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property max_cell_size: float
Return the maximum allowed cell size according to extensions.
No extensions returns a max cell size identical to the mesh cell size.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property collision_site: int
The vertical collision location in the mesh, in cells.
Defaults to 0, and normally returns the smallest y-coordinate of the mesh with below zero y-velocity.
This does not make sense for horizontal velocity or many-velocity scenarios, and in those a manual site should be found, but it is required by iSALE to be specified in some circumstances.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property x_range: ndarray
Array of the cell x-positions in the mesh.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property y_range: ndarray
Array of the cell y-positions in the mesh.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_geometric_centre() Tuple[float, float]
Return the geometric centre of the mesh in physical coords.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Tuple[float, float]
- property material_meshes: Dict[int, ndarray]
Dictionary of numpy arrays representing material fill, indexed by material number.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Dict[int, np.ndarray]
- property velocities: Dict[str, ndarray]
Velocity arrays in the mesh in a dict indexed by axis.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Dict[str, np.ndarray]
- property cells: List[Cell]
List of all Cell objects in the mesh.
The mesh is represented by a collection of Cell objects, each of which represents a single cell in the mesh. These Cell objects are namedtuples containing all the information needed about that cell, including its indices, geometric centre, velocity, and material.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property cells_by_point
Cells as a dict indexed by their absolute position in the mesh Point.
- Return type:
dict[CellCoords, Cell]
- project_polygons_onto_mesh(polygons: List[PySALEObject]) None
Project a polygon (and all its children) onto the mesh.
Method calls itself recursively on all children of the polygon. The children at the bottom of the hierachy get priority. Once a cell is populated with material, new material will NOT overwrite it.
- Parameters:
polygons (List[PySALEObject])
- Return type:
Here we create a solid circle that is 5 m x 5 m and populate it to 40% area fraction with circles of radius 0.5 m. Then we optimise the material distribution and apply the polygon to a mesh object. Then we plot the result.
>>> from PySALESetup import PySALEObject, PySALEDomain, PySALEMesh >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> main = PySALEObject.generate_ellipse([5., 5.], 5., 5., 0.) >>> main.set_material(1) >>> domain = PySALEDomain(main) >>> circle = PySALEObject.generate_ellipse([0., 0.], .5, .5, 0.) >>> domain.fill_with_random_grains_to_threshold(circle, 40) >>> domain.optimise_materials([2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> mesh = PySALEMesh(100, 100, cell_size=.1) >>> mesh.project_polygons_onto_mesh([main]) >>> mesh.plot_materials() >>>
- plot_cells(ax: Axes = None)
Plot the cell centres of the mesh.
- Parameters:
ax (plt.Axes)
- Returns:
fig, ax
- Return type:
Tuple[plt.Axes, plt.figure]
- plot_materials(ax: Axes = None, cmap: str = 'rainbow') Tuple[Figure, Axes]
Plot the materials in the mesh using matplotlib.
If no axes are provided, axes and a figure are made. Otherwise, the given axes are used and returned along with the associated figure object.
- Parameters:
ax (plt.Axes)
cmap (str)
- Returns:
fig, ax
- Return type:
Tuple[plt.Axes, plt.figure]
Here we construct a simple 2D meteorite impacting flat ground. Once our objects have been created and applied, we use plot_materials to view the mesh, although we need to use to visualise the object you could just as easily save the figure instead.
>>> from PySALESetup import PySALEObject >>> from PySALESetup import PySALEMesh >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> impactor = PySALEObject.generate_ellipse([5., 8.], 2., 2., 0.) >>> impactor.set_material(1) >>> impactor.set_velocity(0. -1000.) >>> target = PySALEObject([(0, 0), (0, 6), (10, 6), (10, 0)]) >>> target.set_material(3) >>> mesh = PySALEMesh(100, 100, cell_size=.1) >>> mesh.project_polygons_onto_mesh([impactor, target]) >>> mesh.plot_materials() >>>
- plot_velocities(ax1: Axes | None = None, ax2: Axes | None = None, cmap: str = 'coolwarm') Tuple[Figure, Figure, Axes, Axes]
Plot the velocities of cells.
If axes are provided they are used. If any are not provided, they are created. Either way the axes and figures are returned.
- Parameters:
ax1 (Optional[plt.Axes])
ax2 (Optional[plt.Axes])
cmap (str)
- Returns:
fig1, fig2, ax1, ax2 – plt.Axes, plt.Axes]
- Return type:
Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Figure,
>>> from PySALESetup import PySALEObject >>> from PySALESetup.mesh import PySALEMesh >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> impactor = PySALEObject.generate_ellipse([5., 8.], 2., 2., 0.) >>> impactor.set_material(1) >>> impactor.set_velocity(0. -1000.) >>> target = PySALEObject([(0, 0), (0, 6), (10, 6), (10, 0)]) >>> target.set_material(3) >>> mesh = PySALEMesh(100, 100, cell_size=.1) >>> mesh.project_polygons_onto_mesh([impactor, target]) >>> mesh.plot_materials() >>>
- property material_numbers: List[int]
List of non-zero materials in the mesh.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- save(file_name: Path = PosixPath('meso_m.iSALE'), compress: bool = False) None
Save the current mesh to a meso_m.iSALE file.
This compiles the integer indices of each cell, as well as the material in them. It saves all this to the file specified by the user, which defaults to
in the user’s current directory.- Parameters:
file_name (Path)
compress (bool) – Compress the resulting text file using gunzip. Users are expected to add their own .gz file extension. If one is not present a UserWarning is raised.
- Return type:
- property extension_zones: List[ExtensionZone]
The extension zones applied to the mesh.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property extension_factor: ExtensionZoneFactor
The ExtensionZoneFactor associated with this mesh.
There can only be one extension factor associated with a mesh. When this property is called it also checks that the given extension zones don’t have clashing properties.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class PySALESetup.objects.Velocity(x: float | int, y: float | int)
Immutable velocity dataclass
- x: float | int
- y: float | int
- class PySALESetup.objects.PySALEObject(*args, **kwargs)
Base object for all objects in PySALESetup
Based on shapely.geometry.Polygon.
This object forms the basis of everything we do in PySALESetup. First here’s an example of a rectangular object 10 m x 15 m.
>>> from PySALESetup import PySALEObject >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> main = PySALEObject([(0, 0), (0, 15), (10, 15), (10, 0)]) >>> main.plot() >>>
This example creates a triangular object.
>>> from PySALESetup import PySALEObject >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> main = PySALEObject([(0, 0), (5, 5), (10, 0)]) >>> main.plot() >>>
This example creates an elliptical object with centroid (5, 5) major axis 1, minor axis 0.5 and rotated by 10 degrees.
>>> from PySALESetup import PySALEObject >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> main = PySALEObject.generate_ellipse([5., 5.], 1., .5, 10.) >>> main.plot() >>>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Construct a Polygon PySALEObject instance.
- Parameters:
args – See shapely.geometry.Polygon args
kwargs – See shapely.geometry.Polygon kwargs
- copy() PySALEObject
deepcopy of the object in question.
- Return type:
- property polygon: Polygon
shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon object describing this object.
- Return type:
- copy_properties_to_new_polygon(polygon: PySALEObject) PySALEObject
Copy properties to a another polygon.
- Properties copied are:
material colors
material number
- Parameters:
polygon (PySALEObject)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- classmethod generate_ellipse(xy: Iterable[float] | Point, major: float, minor: float, rotation: float, material: int = 1) PySALEObject
Create an “ellipse” version of the PySALEObject.
ellipse PySALEObjects are actually just polygons with many points (65) and not true ellipses, however, given that these are to be applied to a discrete mesh, exact ellipses are not necessary.
- Parameters:
xy (List[float]) – centroid of the ellipse
major (float) – major radius/axis of the ellipse
minor (float) – minor radius/axis of the ellipse
rotation (float) – rotation of the ellipse in degrees from the horizontal
material (int) – material number to be assigned to. Defaults to 1.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- classmethod create_from_file(file_name: Path) PySALEObject
Create a polygon object from coordinates in a csv file.
It is assumed the text file is of the following format.
> 0., 0. > 0., 1. > 1., 1. > 1., 0.
With no headers or footers.
This function is designed to be used with the grain library.
- Parameters:
file_name (Path)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property children: List[PySALEObject]
PySALEObjects contained (and spawned from) the PySALEObject.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property velocity: Velocity
Named tuple Velocity assigned to the object.
Use PySALEObject.set_velocity() to change this.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property is_void: bool
Return a bool indicating if the polygon is a void.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property material: int
Returns the material assigned to the polygon.
If no material has yet been assigned, it is assigned to material number 1.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property material_colors: Dict[int, str]
Returns the colors assigned to each material number.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Dict[int, str]
- set_velocity(x: float, y: float, include_children: bool = True) None
Set the velocity of the object.
- Parameters:
x (float)
y (float)
include_children (bool) – Set velocity of all children as well? defaults to True.
- Return type:
- set_as_void() None
Set the material to void.
Additionally, sets the velocities to 0.0.
- Return type:
- set_material(material: int) None
Set the material number of the object.
material must be between 0 and 9 inclusive. 0 represents void.
- Parameters:
material (int)
- Return type:
- calculate_equivalent_radius()
Calculate the radius of the circle with the same area.
- Returns:
Radius of the equivalent circle
- Return type:
- property has_children: bool
Returns True if object has children.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- add_child(child: PySALEObject) None
Add existing object as a child to this object.
- Parameters:
child (PySALEObject)
- Return type:
- spawn_polygon_in_shape(*args, **kwargs) PySALEObject
Create a child polygon for the object.
Child must be contained within the host, otherwise an AssertionError is raised.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Return type:
- spawn_ellipse_in_shape(xy: List[float], major: float, minor: float, rotation: float, material: int = 1) PySALEObject
Create a child ellipse for the object.
- Parameters:
xy (List[float]) – coordinates of the centroid
major (float) – major axis
minor (float) – minor axis
rotation (float) – angle to the horizontal, anticlockwise, in degrees
material (int) – material for the spawned object to have. Defaults to 1.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- scale_object(factor: float, area: bool = False) PySALEObject
Create new scaled object from current object.
- Parameters:
factor (float)
area (bool) – Does the factor refer to area or equivalent radius?
- Returns:
The new scaled object
- Return type:
- plot(ax: Axes | None = None, include_children: bool = True, cmap: str = 'rainbow') Tuple[Figure, Axes]
Plot the object on matplotlib axes.
If no axes, the method will create some.
- Parameters:
ax (Optional[plt.Axes])
include_children (bool) – Recursively plot all children as well
cmap (str) – The colormap used when plotting
- Returns:
fig, ax – If axes were provided these are the same that were given.
- Return type:
plt.Figure, plt.Axes
- set_material_colormap(colormap: str, void: str = 'gray', unassigned: str = 'brown') None
Set the colors to be used when plotting.
- Parameters:
colormap (str)
void (str)
unassigned (str)
- Return type:
- property krumbein_phi: float
Return the Krumbein Phi of the object.
A dimensionless, logarithmic, grain size metric commonly used in particle size distributions.
>>> krumbein_phi = -log2(D/D0)
Where D is the diameter of the sphere (circle in our case) that has the same volume (area) as the grain in question, and D0 is a reference length equal to 1 mm (so that the equation remains dimensionally consistent.
See [Investigating the effect of mesostructure on the shock response of granular materials through numerical modelling - James G. Derrick 2018 Section 6.1](
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property elongation: float
Ratio of length of the bounding box to its width.
- Return type:
- property area_ratio
Ratio of the area of the bounding box to the polygon area.
- Return type:
- translate(newx: float, newy: float)
Translate from one centroid to another.
Returns a copy of the translated polygon. Does NOT change the polygon itself.
- Parameters:
newx (float)
newy (float)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- rotate(angle: float, origin: str | Tuple[float, float] | Point = 'center')
Rotate by angle degrees and about the point origin.
Returns a copy of the rotated polygon. Does NOT change the polygon itself.
- Parameters:
angle (float) – rotation amount in degrees anticlockwise from the horizontal
origin (Union[str, Point, Tuple[float, float]]) – can either be the string ‘center’, where the self origin is used, or it can be a shapely.geometry.Point object.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- resize(xfactor: float = 1.0, yfactor: float = 1.0)
Resize by xfactor and yfactor in the x and y directions.
Returns a copy of the resized polygon. Does NOT change the polygon itself.
- Parameters:
xfactor (float)
yfactor (float)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class PySALESetup.input_files.TimeStep(initial: float, max: float, end: float, save: float)
Immutable time step dataclass.
- initial: float
- max: float
- end: float
- save: float
- class PySALESetup.input_files.InputFile(type_: str)
Base input file class.
- __init__(type_: str)
Input file type must be supplied to the constructor.
- Parameters:
type (str)
- property template_path: Path
Path to the template
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property template: Template
The template string for the input file.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class PySALESetup.input_files.AsteroidInput(model_name: str, timestep: TimeStep, mesh: PySALEMesh)
asteroid.inp file creator class.
Allows a user to build an asteroid.inp file and uses a simple template to write one to a new file of the user’s choice.
- __init__(model_name: str, timestep: TimeStep, mesh: PySALEMesh)
Construct the AsteroidInput class.
Only model_name, timestep and mesh, need to be provided. However, multiple other properties are also set. These are:
surface_temperature = 300.
east_bc = ‘FREESLIP’
west_bc = ‘FREESLIP’
south_bc = ‘OUTFLOW’
north_bc = ‘OUTFLOW’
But they can all be changed after initialisation.
- Parameters:
model_name (str)
timestep (TimeStep)
mesh (PySALEMesh)
- write_to(path: Path = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/PySALESetup/PySALESetup/examples/asteroid.inp')) None
Write the asteroid.inp file to given path.
Defaults to asteroid.inp in the current working directory.
- Parameters:
path (pathlib.Path)
- class PySALESetup.input_files.AdditionalInput(mesh: PySALEMesh, material_names: Dict[int, str], host_object_number: int = 1)
additional.inp file creator class.
Allows a user to build an additional.inp file and uses a simple template to write one to a new file of the user’s choice.
- __init__(mesh: PySALEMesh, material_names: Dict[int, str], host_object_number: int = 1)
Initialise the AdditionalInput class.
- Parameters:
mesh (PySALEMesh)
material_names (Dict[int, str])
host_object_number (int)
- write_to(path: Path = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/PySALESetup/PySALESetup/examples/asteroid.inp')) None
Write the asteroid.inp file to given path.
Defaults to additional.inp in the current working directory.
- Parameters:
path (pathlib.Path)
- class PySALESetup.grain_library.GrainLibrary
Loads and deploys grains generated from file.
- load_from_directory(directory: Path) None
Given a directory, loads all grain files it can find.
- Parameters:
directory (pathlib.Path)
- load_builtin_library() None
Load all grains in the builtin library
- random_grain()
Return a random grain from the list.
- Returns:
- Return type: